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Consultations on NPPF and a post-Brexit agricultural policy

 22nd May 2018

NPPF and a post-Brexit agricultural policy update

Our district groups contributed to two major consultations: one for a revised planning policy, and one for a brand new post-Brexit agricultural policy. 

NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework) Consultation
This CPRE submission has been compiled following extensive consultation with the local county offices and regional groups.
The following priorities area are highlighted in the summary of CPRE response to consultation on National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
  1. support local democracy by adhering to neighbourhood and local plans
  2. ensure realistic and high quality development based on genuine need not market demand
  3. deliver more affordable homes by closing legal loopholes that put developer profits first
  4. adopt a true ‘brownfield first’ approach to development
  5. protect our countryside for current and future generations, with robust maintenance of Green Belt policy, and strong protection for National Parks and AONBs
Government's consultation on a post-Brexit agricultural policy
We were pleased that many of our recommendations made it into the final CPRE response to the Government's consultation on the future agricultural policy post-Brexit, 'Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit'. In it, CPRE welcomes the Government’s commitments to reversing environmental damage, linking public funding to the delivery of public benefits and maintaining high standards in trade agreements. However, long term public investment in the environment through farming is vital if we are to deliver the 25 year environment plan.




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