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Good News - Mapperton Solar Farm Application Withdrawn

Mapperton Solar Farm Protestor Mapperton Solar Farm Protestor @Rupert Hardy

18th June 2018

East Dorset District Council (EDDC) informed us last week that Good Energy has formally withdrawn its application to construct a 24 MW solar park on 106 acres of unspoilt countryside owned by South Dorset MP Richard Drax.

This is great news, the culmination of an intense five-year campaign involving over 700 written objections and two successful judicial reviews.
However, despite Good Energy's withdrawal, Mr Drax has not given up his long held desire to use his land for industrial development. Continuing to ignore his Government's admonition that the local community must be consulted on such matters, he has engaged Savills, international developer Arup and power grid company SSE to find a lower voltage grid connection and to design, albeit a smaller, less damaging installation but one which incorporates battery storage. This would require the construction of an industrial building larger than the substation. However we are hoping that it will not come about given the difficulties of designing a profitable development on this site which would pass the scrutiny of EDDC’s planning team, now made very vigilant after losing two judicial reviews over Mapperton. We shall wait and see!


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